Designing websites has been a cornerstone of work produced in the studio, but of course, the process, and design of, websites have changed completely since I was promoted to associate professor. In that intervening time, technologies have evolved, methodologies have changed and the importance of good UX/UI is more important now than ever before. Today’s websites are less about the designer and more about the needs and functionality required by organizations in this networked environment. And yet, having said that, good design is still good design. And, most of the organizations we work with, not only want their web presence to be unique but also to function properly, create online communities, and broaden discussions both inside and outside of the website. The websites that interest me the most are those that help to educate audiences, that in some manner, improve lives and create strong communities. Shown here are a few of the websites that we have created over the years, that I believe do just that.