The Writer Who Stayed

Book Cover

the writer who stayed book cover

Adapted from “Zinsser on Friday,” The American Scholar‘s National Magazine Award–Winning Essay Series

William Zinsser, author of On Writing Well and many other books, wrote a weekly blog for the American Scholar—about writing, the arts, New York, and popular culture. The Writer Who Stayed collects these engaging pieces by one of America’s best essayists. Relationships, storytelling, baseball, summer reading, comic strips, Woody Allen—Bill Zinsser illuminates modern life.


“Zinsser—who, with On Writing Well, taught a whole lot of us how to set down a clean English sentence—last year won a National Magazine Award for his Friday web columns in The American Scholar. They’re now in a collection that’s completely charming, impeccably polished, and Strunk-and-White-ishly brief. He’s the youngest 90-year-old you’ll read this week.”—New York Magazine on The Writer Who Stayed

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