The Big Book of

World War II


Big Book of World War 2
Bog Book of World War 2 interior spread
Bog Book of World War 2 interior spread
Bog Book of World War 2 interior spread

My parents grew up during WW2, and I had a few uncles serve in Europe and Africa during the war. I grew up with stories of that tumultuous time, and so it was a thrill to design a book for younger readers exploring and explaining that time in our collective history. Realizing that younger audience’s attention span can be shorter and that new information should be engaging and formatted in digestible sized content, the Running Press publishing company of Philadelphia asked us to design a book about World War II that would hold the interest of a young adult audience. Our task was to create a layout that keeps the eye moving through a lot of condensed information in an interesting and seamless manner. We developed an ongoing timeline at the foot of each spread that takes the reader through the various critical points of the war’s timeframe. 

Publication Design


Cover Design
