

parkland poster


Art direction:
Patricia McElroy
Dermot Mac Cormack

Patricia McElroy
Dermot Mac Cormack

Julie Lam
Dermot Mac Cormack

This poster joins a series of posters dedicated to gun control in the US and was created in the wake of yet another tragic school shooting.

Each poster in this series uses the American flag and is then coupled with the tragic event it is highlighting. In this iteration, we created many versions of the flag before we settled on creating this illustrated version, which is a combination of hand-drawn watercolor strokes, composited with ruled paper, which was then photographed before being embedded into the overall design. In keeping with the recurring theme, we used minimalist typography to accentuate the tragedy.

My hope is that these posters will continue to engage and move the dialogue forward for this important issue in our society.


2020 Graphis Design Annual (International)
Gold Award
Pedersen Design Group, New York, NY, Fall 2017

2019 Graphis Design  (International)
Platinum Award
Pedersen Design Group, New York, NY, Fall 2017

2019 Graphis Posters (International)
Platinum Award
Pedersen Design Group, New York, NY, Fall 2017.
2019 How International: Best of Annual

Creative Quarterly 52 (The Journal of Art & Design)
Winner of Graphic Design Section
Artisanal Media

AIGA: Philadelphia Top 50 Design Awards 2019
(American Institute of Graphic Arts)
Juried Competition & Exhibition

2019 IPBL Poster Competition
(International Poster Biennale Lubalin)
International Juried Competition & Exhibition

Exhibition: Gallery of Art Maria Curie-Sklodowska University
in Lublin, Poland
May – June 2019

2019 Invitational Exhibition
Shandong University of Art & Design,
Library Art Space Jinan, Shandong, China 11/20/2019

2019 Invitational Exhibition
Wuhan University of Technology,
Gallery of the School of Art and Design -Wuhan City 11/24/2019

2019 Retroavangarda International Online Gallery Exhibition

2018 Ecuador Poster Bienal
International Juried Competition & Exhibition
October 2018 – Casa de la Cultura – Quito, Ecuador
January 2019 – Centro Cultural El Cuartel – Ibarra, Ecuador
March 2019 – Spotkania Kultur – Lublin, Poland
Junio 2019 – Galería Retroavangarda / Galeria WIT WIT Szkoła Wyższa pod auspicjami PAN – Warsaw, Poland

2018 Posterfest Budapest
International Juried Competition & Exhibition
Tesla — Budapest District VII, Kazinczy utca 21 November 2018

7th International Socio-Political Poster Biennial Poland
International Juried Competition & Exhibition
Oswiecim Poland, Spring 2018


Posters for the public good


Event & miscellaneous posters
